Greenwich Titans juniors warmly received Mike Akuboh, a scout for the NBA team Toronto Raptors to their training session at Thomas Tallis School. This was a fantastic opportunity for the juniors as they were taken through various basketball drills, and were able to ask questions of a man who understands what is required to make it in the world of Basketball.
During the session he focused on 2 key elements that applies both on the basketball court and life in general – listening and seeing. Coach Akuboh provided a number of analogies to bring out this theme, explaining the importance of why and how children need to accurately receive and interpret instructions. Coach Akuboh also spoke about the roles that players undertake on the basketball court and the need to display leadership skills.
A key element of the session was to promote the fantastic work that is currently being undertaken by the Giants of Africa programme.
The mission of Giants of Africa (GOA) is to use basketball as a means to educate and enrich the lives of African youths. They aim to provide quality facilities, equipment and coaches with the goal of growing the game of basketball within Africa. Giants of Africa create awareness and support for underprivileged children and young adults through, camps, which place emphasis on hard work, accountability, honest living and positivity. They strive to create opportunity not only as a player, but in other related areas – urging African youths to Dream Big.
Giants of Africa is a non-profit organisation with the of goal of changing this reality. Today the GOA Top 50 Camp has developed players at the local, national, international and professional levels. Over 80 of their campers attended high school or university in the United States, and over 100 attended university in Nigeria. In addition, nearly 20 former participants have played on junior teams in clubs throughout Europe – 30 of which have played on the Nigerian Junior National team, and nearly 55 have attended the NBA’s Basketball Without Borders program in Africa. GOA has grown to include four countries in Africa: Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya and Rwanda and we look forward to adding more.
Children who were unable to participate, sat and took notes and the general feedback from the children was one of positivity, many stayed behind after the session to ask Coach Akuboh more questions about his experience and what they would have to do succeed.
Giants of Africa is a fantastic cause and one that Greenwich Titans would like to support, we look forward to welcoming Coach Akuboh back to Greenwich Titans on his next visit to the UK.